
Whether you have a question, want to join our community, or have something to share regarding Sir William Stephenson’s remarkable contributions, we are here to assist you. Please use the contact form below to get in touch, and we’ll respond to you promptly. Thank you for your support in preserving and promoting the inspiring legacy of Sir William Stephenson.

BSC Insignia

Alan Parkin
[email protected]
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Membership Director:
Bob Vandewater
[email protected]
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

For general inquiries:
[email protected]

More About Us

Alan Parkin – President of the Intrepid Society

Alan Parkin

Alan is currently president of the Intrepid Society Inc. and a board member of the Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society.  In addition, he is a past board member of the Military History Society of Manitoba, The Royal Military Institute of Manitoba, The Manitoba Cycling Association and the Manitoba Runners Association, for which he was presented with a Builders Award. 

Alan is a former accountant and Certified Financial Planner (CFP).  He was instrumental in bringing to Winnipeg in 2023, the film “Gino”, which told the story of a young Italian orphan who was rescued by Canadian soldiers in war-torn Italy in WW2. In 2024, he also helped bring “Fallen Heroes” to Canadian theatres–the moving story of the origins of the Ramp Ceremony in Afghanistan, which precedes the return to Canada of our fallen soldiers.  He is a serious student of history, with a particular emphasis on World War 1 and World War 2, as well as a growing interest in Canada’s participation in the war in Afghanistan.  Alan’s interests include cycling, reading, gardening, carpentry, quality olive oil and his granddaughter, Ellie.  He lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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