Reach for the Skies


By Robert Taylor.

Overall size: 20″x23″.

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The ancient Norman monastery on Mont St. Michel provides the majestic backdrop as a group of Me109s race across the coast returning to their forward base in northern France after a fighter sweep across the English Channel in early 1941.

During the spring of 1941 almost all of the great Luftwaffe fighter leaders duelled across the English Channel on a daily basis with RAF Fighter Command. But the Abbey of Mont St Michel has seen it all before: built by the Normans on a solid rock of granite rising 250 feet out of the sea, this ancient monastery has witnessed conflict over almost a thousand years. It now plays backdrop to Robert Taylor’s iconic painting.

This superb piece completely sold out soon after release and is now highly desirable on the secondary market.

The Signatures

Each print is signed by four of the great Luftwaffe Aces.
• Generalleutnant Hannes Trautloft Knight’s Cross
• Oberst Herbert Ihlefeld KC with Oak Leaves and Swords
• Generalmajor Dietrich Hrabak KC WITH OAK LEAVES
• Generalleutnant Adolf Galland KC with Oak Leaves Swords and Diamonds

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