Home at Dusk


By Robert Taylor.

#765/1250 Limited edition print.

Overall size: 25″ x 36″.

Signed by P51 USAAF Aces Anderson/Brooks/Goebel/Green/Mahurin/Goodson.

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A rare limited edition print by Robert Taylor – Home at Dusk is signed by 6 famous USAAF P-51 Mustang Aces.

It has been one of those perfect winter days. Clear air and clear skies. The snow that fell yesterday has brought that special quiet to the countryside. Wildfowl feed undisturbed in the late evening twilight, and here, by the Saltings near the East Anglian coast, the war seems a world away.
Suddenly the spell is broken by the ear-shattering roar that heralds Merlin engines at speed, and the reality of war-torn Europe again focuses the mind. Just feet above the gently waving reeds, P-51 Mustangs – one, two, four, and more, rushing headlong for home as the dusk gathers. Glinting in the fading sun, bearing the scars of today’s battle, the sleek fighters cut through the crisp air, their dangerous mission almost ended. Soon the tensions of aerial combat will be forgotten for a few hours, melting into an evening gaiety, camaraderie, and pints of ‘Mild and Bitter’ at the local pub. Tomorrow will be another day. And so it was. A life of extremes lived to the full by a special breed of men who flew and fought the classic fighters of 60 years ago – tough, supremely confident, cavalier, determined, and gloriously brave. It was an era that belonged to them; an era that is made all the more appreciated and understood by the spell-binding artistry of Robert Taylor.
Each print in Robert Taylor’s Limited Edition, Home At Dusk, is signed by the following distinguished P-51 Mustang Aces:
Colonel C. E. ‘Bud’ Anderson
Captain Jim Brooks
Colonel Bob Goebel
Colonel James Goodson
Colonel Herschel Green
Colonel Walker ‘Bud’ Mahurin.

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