Eagles Out of The Sun


By Robert Taylor.

#791/1250 Limited edition print.

Overall size: 26″ x 36″.

Signed by Luftwaffe Galland/Grislawski/Hrabak/Krupinski/Neuman/Rall/Rudorffer/Shuck/Trautloft/Wolfrum/Steinhoff/Obleser.

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The top Luftwaffe fighter aces flew more combat missions and shot down more enemy aircraft during World War II than any other group of fighter pilots in history. The men flew continuously, day after day, until they were either shot down or wounded; some were in combat virtually without rest throughout the war. Their astonishing record will never be surpassed.
In addition to the artist this print was individually signed by TWELVE Luftwaffe fighter aces:
• Generalleutnant ADOLF GALLAND (103 victories)
• Hauptmann ALFRED GRISLAWSKI (133 victories)
• Generalmajor DIETER HRABAK (125 victories)
• Generalleutnant WALTER KRUPINSKI (197 victories)
• Oberst EDUARD NEUMANN (11 victories)
• Generalleutnant FRIEDRICH OBLESER (127 victories)
• Generalleutnant GUNTHER RALL (275 victories, 3rd all time high)
• Oberleutnant WALTER SCHUCK (206 victories)
• General JOHANNES STEINHOFF (176 victories)
• Generalleutnant HANNES TRAUTLOFT (57 victories)
• Oberleutnant WALTER WOLFRUM (137 victories)

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